Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Food Pyramid

This is the food pyramid. 
To more easily understand what is being said, this should be referenced throughout the blog.

Nucleic Acid

Nucleic Acid:

The monomer of a nucleic acid is a nucleotide. These nucleotides combine to form one of the two polymers of nucleic acids - DNA and RNA.
Fun fact: DNA means deoxyribnucliec acid and RNA means ribonucleic acids

Example of DNA

Nucleic acids function to store and transmit genetic information. This covers a wide range of things, including pretty much every single thing you do. 
Although nucleic acids are an important macromolecule, they aren't on the food pyramid or on any nutrition label. This is because they are in everything we eat that was once living and do consuming these living or once living things do not change any of our genetic information or possibly benefit or hurt us in anyway. 
On the other hand, without us as individuals having nucleic acids, there would be no us or you or me. We wouldn't be able to live because your body couldn't create you or more cells, or direct cells or anything about you wouldn't be able to happen. You're not you without nucleic acids. You wouldn't be able to exist at all because nucleic acids make you. \
Nucleic acids are in every living thing. 

Tuesday, August 18, 2015



(Glycerol and 3 Fatty Acid Tails) 
The monomer of a lipid is a triglyceride. A triglyceride is composed of one glycerol with three fatty acid tails and is the most common fat in your body. Polymers of lipids would be things such as oils, steriods, fats, waxes, etc.

The function of lipids are to provide long term energy. If you don't have any carbohydrates your body will eventually begin to burn the lipids (fat) instead. Lipids are also usually the things that keep you warm.

Fun fact: Lipids are not able to dissolve in water

Lipids such as the fat in our body are vital. Without lipids, issues with vitamin deficiencies, your immune system, vision, skin, hair, and testosterone levels of all genders, and more complications could arise. Too much fat or other lipids could also cause many other health disorders and issues. To stay healthy, the percentage of fat in your food consumption should be between 15-30%.

     Many foods contain lipids. Oils, walnuts, and some 'fatty fish' such as salmon and herring provide lipids.
'Fatty Fish' 



     Proteins are one of the four macromolecules we are learning about in biology and is a familiar word to most people. The monomer or the subunit of proteins are amino acids. Peptide bonds connect the amino acids to form the polymers of proteins. Examples of these polymers would be dairy products, meats, beans, and more. 
Amino Acid

     Most people believe that the function of proteins are to provide energy which is why people usually eat lots of proteins or drink proteins shakes when they work out a lot. However,this is not true. The main functions of proteins are building muscle, growing hair, increasing the reaction speed of enzymes, and allowing hemoglobin to carry oxygen in the blood. Without proteins our bodies would eventually stop building muscle and begin to break down tissue. 

     Proteins relate to the food pyramid by providing us with what is necessary for our bodies to thrive. According to the food pyramid, it is best to have two to three servings of protein per day. Having the sufficient amount of proteins daily is important to stay healthy, strong and able to function properly and efficiently. The percentage of protein in your food consumption should be between 10-35%.

      Foods such as dairy products, beans, eggs, and meats supply proteins.

Dairy Products


Monday, August 17, 2015



Monomer of a Carbohydrate
The monomer of a carbohydrate is called a monosaccharide. For example, gluclose is a monosaccharide found in plants. If you combine multiple monomers you would form something called a polymer, which for carbs would be a polysaccharide. 
  • 'Mono' means one and 'saccharide' means sugar. Therefore, monosaccharide means 'one sugar'.
  • 'Poly' is multiple, making polysaccharide mean 'multiple sugars'. 

An example of a polysaccharide would be a starch, such as corn or a potato.

Polymer Structure of a Carbohydrate

     The function of these macromolecules is to provide immediate and short term energy.Without any carbohydrates, your body would begin to burn up the lipids (fat) that is in your body for you to be able to survive. 

     The amount of carbohydrates you consume should be about 45-65% of your food. Carbohydrates are a big part of the food pyramid, the most of what you should be eating to stay healthy. Carbs relate to the food pyramid by being the main source of energy you have so it is the most of what you should be eating to get by day in day out for every single day of your life. 

These three foods all provide carbohydrates:
